API Error Codes

List of common API error codes from the v4 API

API Error CodeDescriptionStatus Code
MD103 Returned if multiple pagination parameters are specified in the api call.400
MD403Returned if the request is asking for more than 1000 results403
CS102 Returned if entity collection id specified is invalid.404
CS103 Returned when a call to the api endpoint contains a non-json body or an invalid json search request.400
CS105 Returned if a call is made to the invalid uri.400
CS106 If query timeout is exceeded, the response will contain this error message.400
CS109 Returned if specified operator_id is unknown or invalid.400
CS111 Returned if specified values are invalid, or the format ins't supported.400
CS112 Returned if field_id specified in the request does not exist.404
(ie CS151 - CS155)
Returned if too many concurrent requests are made.429
CS404 Returned if the requested resource cannot be found by its name.404
GW502 Returned when service is unavailable during an outage.502
LA409 Returned when too many requests are made and the user is rate-limited.409
LA401 Returned when the user_key specified is invalid.401
GW500 A generic error response indicating an internal problem.500