Examples: Autocomplete API

Examples for using Crunchbase's Entity Lookup API endpoints


Key Reminder

Autocomplete is NOT the same as matching/disambiguation. Autocomplete is intended to drive a human process to choose the entity you're looking for by suggesting a list of entities based on what you have typed.

Autocomplete API is not designed to do disambiguation/matching.

Below are a few common examples to help you find the entity you're looking for.

Example 1: Use autocomplete to find any entities that best matches "box"

  • Query for a string of "box"
  • Limit response to only 15 results
GET https://api.crunchbase.com/api/v4/autocompletes?query=box&limit=15&user_key=INSERT_KEY_HERE
curl --request GET 'https://api.crunchbase.com/api/v4/autocompletes?query=box&user_key=INSERT_KEY_HERE'

Example 2: Use autocomplete to find an investor that best matches "mayfield"

  • Query for a string of "Mayfield"
  • Focus the search to only investors by using collection_ids=principal.investors
GET https://api.crunchbase.com/api/v4/autocompletes?query=mayfield&collection_ids=principal.investors&user_key=INSERT_KEY_HERE
curl --request GET 'https://api.crunchbase.com/api/v4/autocompletes?query=mayfield&collection_ids=principal.investors&limit=10&user_key=INSERT_KEY_HERE'

Example 3: Use autocomplete to find a category or category group that best matches "mobile payment"

  • Query for a string of "mobile payment"
  • Focus the search to only categories & category groups by using collection_ids=categories,category_groups
  • Limit response to only 10 results
GET https://api.crunchbase.com/api/v4/autocompletes?query=mobile%20payment&collection_ids=categories,category_groups&limit=10&user_key=INSERT_KEY_HERE

Example 4: Use autocomplete to find a company that best matches "airbnb"

  • Query for a string of "airbnb"
  • Focus the search to only companies by using collection_ids=organization.companies
GET https://api.crunchbase.com/api/v4/autocompletes?query=airbnb&collection_ids=organization.companies&user_key=INSERT_KEY_HERE

Example 5: Use autocomplete to find a country or city that best matches "united"

  • Query for a string of "united"
  • Focus the search to only companies by using collection_ids=location.countries,location.cities
  • Limit response to only 10 results
GET https://api.crunchbase.com/api/v4/autocompletes?query=united&limit=10&collection_ids=location.countries,location.cities&user_key=INSERT_KEY_HERE