Get More Results from Card_id
Instructions on how to use the Single Card entity lookup endpoint to paginate for more results from a card_id
How do I get more results from a single "card_id"?
To retrieve more results from a "card", you can paginate for more results by using the lookup API endpoint for a single card. (ex: /entities/organizations/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id})
To make a request using our API to look up a single card_id for an entity, you must provide the following:
- a user key
- an {entity_id} - which can either be the UUID or the permalink (e.g. "crunchbase") of the entity
- a {card_id} - this is the specific card that you are interested in
You can further customize the API request by adding optional parameters:
- array of {card_field_ids} - use this option to ask for specific data field(s) to be returned in your response instead of the default fields (ex: "announced_on, funding_round_identifier, is_lead_investor")
- {after_id} - this is used to paginate to the next page; provide the uuid of the last item in the current page to get the results for the next page
- {before_id} - this is used to paginate to the previous page; provide the uuid of the first item in the current page to get the results for the previous page
- {order} - similar to the Search API endpoint, you can sort the list of items returned by a specific field and direction (asc/desc) (ex: "announced_on desc")
- {limit} - similar to the Search API endpoint, you can ask for a specific number of items to be returned (max is 100)
Pro Tips: find permalink easily
Want to find the permalink for an entity?
- Go to to find the entity you want, then take the last portion of the URL to get your permalink -->{permalink}
- Use the autocomplete API - more details here
"Card" returns 100 items max
"Card" will only return a max of 100 items. To retrieve more results from a "card", you must follow the instructions above to paginate for more results by using the lookup API endpoint for a single card along w/ additional parameter (like "after_id").
You can also use the "limit" parameter in your request to specify a lower # of results. Ex: Limit = 25 will give you 25 results per request.
Expect all data fields & relationships to be optional
Unless otherwise called out as a required field or relationship in the response schema, please configure your system/process to treat data fields & relationships (e.g. "card_ids") in the response as optional.
Example Below
- entity permalink: mayfield-fund
- card_id: participated_investments
- after_id: 67e13ea9-100d-4cea-2d51-22c0149e7e93
- order: announced_on (descending)
- entity permalink: mayfield-fund
- card_id: participated_investments
- after_id: 67e13ea9-100d-4cea-2d51-22c0149e7e93
- order: announced_on (descending)
curl --request GET
Updated 8 months ago