Daily CSV Export
Crunchbase makes a CSV export available for developers seeking to access Crunchbase data without coding against the REST API. The export is updated each morning and includes separate files for companies, people, funding rounds, acquisitions, and IPOs. Enterprise or Applications Access is required to download the CSV files. The Daily CSV is NOT intended to be a replacement for the full REST API.
The CSV export is a compressed TAR file containing the following files:
- organizations.csv - Organization profiles available on Crunchbase platform
- organization_descriptions.csv - Long descriptions for organization profiles
- acquisitions.csv - List of all acquisitions available on Crunchbase platform
- org_parents.csv - Mapping between parent organizations and subsidaries
- ipos.csv - Detail for each IPO in the dataset
- category_groups.csv - Mappings between organization categories and category groups
- people.csv - People profiles available on Crunchbase platform
- people_descriptions.csv - Long descriptions for people profiles
- degrees.csv - Detail for people's education background
- jobs.csv - List of all job and advisory roles
- investors.csv - Active investors, including both organizations and people
- investments.csv - All investments made by investors
- investment_partners.csv - Partners who are responsible for their firm's investments
- funds.csv - Details for investors' investment funds
- funding_rounds.csv - Details for each funding round in the dataset
- events.csv - Event details
- event_appearances.csv - Event participation details
Sample CSV Export
If you are not already a licensee, you can download a sample CSV export. The sample contains 50 records from each CSV file.
Accessing the CSV Export
Access to the Excel Export Requires an Enterprise or Applications License
If you are not already registered for a Crunchbase Data account, register here.
To access the CSV files, follow these steps:
Locate your User Key. The user key is a 32 character string that you should have received by email after signing up for Crunchbase data. If you have not received your user key, please contact support.
Enter URL Into Your Browser. Once you’ve located your user key, type the following URL address into your browser and replacing "user_key" with the value that you received in your email.
For example, if your "user_key" is 1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j
, you would type:
Press Enter Key to Begin Download. Once the correct URL is in the address bar, press “Enter” (or "Return") and the download should begin automatically. If the download does not begin, please contact support.
Using the CSV Export
We encourage you to leverage the CSV Export for your internal business and research needs. You are also welcome to publish analysis and aggregate statistics derived from the Crunchbase dataset. Unless otherwise noted in your license or Data Access Terms), you may not license, sublicense, sell, offer to sell, distribute or otherwise provide any of the Crunchbase data to any third parties.
Attribution Requirements
When sharing information about the data, follow these attribution requirements.
- Attribution must be accompanied by a hyperlink to Crunchbase
- If content being attributed is primarily about one entity, link must point to that entity on Crunchbase.
- Link must be plainly visible to end user
- Link must be in close proximity to the attributed data
- Link must be visible to Internet spiders (e.g. Googlebot)
- Link cannot include the “nofollow” tag"
Updated over 5 years ago